Monday, May 23, 2005

Personal history
Name: Zaizai
Aka: The "Choot-ster" / Mommy's boy
Ranking: Major

1. "Choot" specialist (droolling on shoulder)
2. Morning call

3. Persistent pursuits
4. Sniffer cat (food and toejam)
Criminal record
1. Gluttony
2. Throwing tantrums
3. Lizard torture

4. Begging for food
5. Addicted to toejam

1 comment:

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Zaizai, we love the photo that you shared with us. You must be a morning kitty that calls mom when it's time to get up for breakfast. It's great that we get to know a little about you. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals